Building the Nation’s Largest Community of Career-Connected Learning Innovators.

The Catalyze community transforms how students are introduced to and interact with potential career pathways throughout their educational experience.

The more than 60 organizations that make up the Catalyze community are pioneering ways to help young people develop greater agency to navigate their future through career-connected learning experiences that develop self-awareness, self-efficacy and career readiness.

These organizations strengthen the links between education and employment by directly engaging school partners and leading regional and national employers to ensure students are introduced to and develop in-demand skills that lead to economic mobility. Download our 2023 impact report to see how round one and two Catalyze grantees are changing the career-connected learning landscape!

Meet the Catalyze Community below!

Round Two Catalyze Birmingham Challenge Winners

Round Three Catalyze Challenge Winners

Round One Catalyze Birmingham Challenge Winners

Round Two Catalyze Challenge Winners

Round One Catalyze Challenge Winners

Learn from the Catalyze community

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