Trio New College Network – 3-D Learning

Trio New College Network, Gateway U Hybrid College, and K-12 education partners LEAD Charter School & Great Oaks Legacy Charter School, have come together to create a model aiming to unify three currently disconnected “dimensions” of our current education system – K-12, higher education, and workforce development – in order to eliminate barriers to student success. 

High school students participating in the program via Gateway U, New Jersey’s first hybrid college, will enroll in college-level courses mapped to state graduation requirements, allowing them to earn dual credit. Through a partnership with Southern New Hampshire University’s pioneering competency-based education program, College for America, students will take project-based courses designed in collaboration with major employers to prepare them for the workforce. After graduating high school, students will be automatically accepted into the BA program at Southern New Hampshire University and placed into jobs with local employer partners. Due to the flexible, asynchronous structure of College for America, students will have the opportunity to both work and attend school simultaneously. Moreover, as students work to complete their degrees, Gateway U will provide them access to study space, wrap-around support services, and personalized academic and career counseling.

“The Catalyze Challenge raises the importance of strategic collaboration across career, college, and high schools. By strengthening the pipeline between education and career, everyone benefits, including students, families, employers, schools, and our greater society. As the first hybrid college in NJ, Gateway U is excited to work with Catalyze partners to increase opportunities and improve outcomes for students.” – Saymah Nah, Executive Director at Gateway U.

For more information about Trio New College Network, go to And you can learn about their partner organization, Gateway U Hybrid College at