Code the Spectrum – Spectrum IT Career Pathways

Spectrum Career Pathways aims to build IT career-oriented technical training and professional development programs for grade 13-14 students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), connecting them with job opportunities such as website development and bridging the digital divide in employment for people with ASD.

Code the Spectrum provides computer technology training to individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders and other neurodevelopmental disorders, and connects them to the high-tech world.
They envision a world with more neurodiverse people working in the Information Technology field, unleashing their greatest potential and creating values for the society. The Catalyze Challenge Award will support Code the Spectrum launch the pilot technical training program to validate the training model and teaching materials tailored for students with ASD, collect feedback from industry partners, and organize a conference to connect students with employers for IT job and internship opportunities.

Code the Spectrum website: