Applications for Round Four of the Catalyze Challenge are now closed.

About Catalyze

Since 2021, Catalyze has awarded more than $14 million to 60+ organizations through national and regional challenges. The Catalyze community includes innovators who are piloting and scaling solutions that provide young people with career-connected learning opportunities on the pathway to fulfilling careers. Catalyze grantees are actively impacting more than 45,000 learners across the United States.

About Round Four of the Catalyze Challenge

Round Four of the Catalyze Challenge will award a total of $4 million to 4 - 5 organizations that are ready to scale transformative, direct-service career-connected learning solutions for learners aged 11-22. The challenge will focus on two themes: career exploration for young adolescents and activating industry partnerships.


Theme One: Career Exploration for Young Adolescents

Scalable programs or tools that prepare young adolescent learners (aged 11-22) for industries of the future. 

Theme Two: Activating Industry Partnerships

Scalable programs that align learning with employer needs and close current and future skill and/or opportunity gaps for young adolescents (aged 11-22).

The open call for screening applications has closed.

Round Four of the Catalyze Challenge employs a competitive two-step application process. Winners will be announced soon!

Questions? Contact us.

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