BAYADA Home Health Care – Scaling Healthcare Careers for Young Adults

National nonprofit BAYADA’s solution connects young people with careers in nursing and applied behavior analysis while meeting the nation’s urgent healthcare needs. BAYADA is the first employer to use apprenticeships for home healthcare using an earned revenue model.

BAYADA’s Advance to LPN program and ABA Academy provide a supportive, accelerated pathway for entry-level employees to advance their healthcare careers—all while eliminating the need to assume student debt or change multiple employers to accelerate their career. Clinical coaches and mentors provide a web of pathfinding and socioemotional support to aid credential completion and help program participants contextualize their academic preparation with the hands-on, practical realities of caring for clients in their homes. Through enrolling and improving access for underserved young adults—including low-income and underrepresented groups—BAYADA aims to reduce barriers to education, employment, and economic advancement.