We expand access to and awareness of career pathways and economic mobility.

$14 Million in Grant Funding

60+ Organizations Supported

45,000+ Learners Positively Impacted

Diverse learners. Inclusive pathways. Equitable access.

More than 70% of learners in Catalyze-supported programs feel their career-connected learning experiences enabled them to pursue their career goals. This is especially significant when compared to the sentiments of young adults as a whole.

According to a poll by Gallup and the Walton Family Foundation, only 29% of Gen Z learners believe that their school is preparing them for the workplace, and only about 50% of middle and high school students say they’re learning skills relevant to the jobs they want. Organizations in the Catalyze community are ensuring all students have access to meaningful opportunities starting at a young age.

Catalyze’s 2023 Impact Report

Catalyze helps launch and support ambitious new programs that provide young people with the skills they’ll need to face challenges head-on. Our 2023 Impact Report provides a snapshot of our impact to date, shares insights from our partners, and explores the ways in which these learnings can — and will — expand our impact in the future.

Catalyzing innovation inside and outside the classroom.

There is no one-size-fits-all model for the career trajectory of young people. Catalyze grantees provide students with career-connected learning opportunities and pathways, with the ultimate goal of increasing young people’s agency to identify and begin a fulfilling career. All Catalyze Challenge winners have showcased an explicit focus on innovation and proximity to communities reaching historically underserved learners, including Black, Latino and Indigenous students, as well as Opportunity Youth and Systems Involved Youth, individuals with disabilities, and first-generation, low-income and rural learners.

Members of the Catalyze grantee community are nonprofit organizations, entrepreneurs, innovative companies, employers and cross-sector partnerships from across the country — each working to pilot, launch and scale solutions that bridge the gap between the traditional classroom and meaningful careers, expanding access to economic mobility.